Hey God, what’s my purpose?

One morning while I talked to God, I thanked Him for giving me another chance to see a new day. Then almost immediately it hit me- “why am I awake? What does God want me to do?”

For me, ‘purpose’ has always been such a mysterious thing every Christian, or rather everybody is supposed to do before God calls them home. I always thought about it like there was one specific thing God put me on this earth to do and I dared not miss the chance to do it or else when I die and I’m asked about it, I’ll have nothing to say. For example, maybe God put me on this Earth to write a book and if I don’t write it within this period, I’m doomed 😅

If you’ve thought about it like this before, then welcome to the club. Here’s the thing though- it’s not that deep. It really isn’t. Let’s simplify it, shall we?  The single purpose for which we were created, was, and is, to please God (Rev 4:11). God doesn’t want a dictatorship or a puppet show where we have no choice but to please Him.  He wants us to please Him by communing with Him. God longs  for a relationship with us, even though He doesn’t need it. He always wants us to be with Him, but we can only do this when there is no sin. Read Genesis 3- God kept Adam and Eve in His garden- close to Him. He wanted to have a relationship with man. However, when they sinned, he painfully sacked them because they disobeyed Him and this action caused a rift in the relationship. Sin, represents everything that God is not. Therefore when we sin, we tell and show God that we don’t really care about Him or want Him, and this is because God cannot be around sin; He is Holy and sin is the exact opposite of Holy. Sin comes in when we do anything else apart from what God tells us. So, when Adam and Eve disobeyed God, they allowed the darkness in but unfortunately, our God detests sin (darkness).

The only way we can fulfill our purpose of pleasing God is to have a relationship with Him, and to take care of that relationship. The way we take care of that relationship is by doing all we can to obey God and follow His leading. Listen to him and show you love Him by obeying Him. It is that simple. As you continually obey God, you will see that He gives you multiple tasks throughout your life, including that mysterious task you may be racking your brains out daily, and maybe have spent years of your life praying to discover it 😩😩. When you have a relationship with God, He May tell you, “write a book”, or “travel to x country on missions”, or “begin a podcast”. He may even ask that you do all of these. The point is, there isn’t one single mysterious thing you must find out and complete before you die. While it may be in God’s plan for one specific thing to happen, that’s for Him to know as the master architect, and you will find out when it’s time, IF you maintain the relationship. Don’t burden yourself with figuring out these mysterious things. Instead, fulfill your purpose each day by obeying God and nurturing your relationship with Him.

So, every morning when you wake up, don’t freak out about some mysterious task you must complete before the master calls you home- relax, it’s not a Nollywood film. 😂 Instead, ask God to help you listen to Him today and give you grace to do what he asks you to do, because everyday is another chance to nurture your relationship.


One response to “Hey God, what’s my purpose?”

  1. Our purpose here is what drives all our ambitions it takes time to know but when you do life becomes more simpler to live. May we all know God’s purpose for our very existence. Brilliant piece

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